I love these photos of Cally at Squad Training 😍 I had an amazing lesson with Ferdi Eilberg and feel like Cally and I have stepped up another level 👍
We’ve now qualified for the Winter Championships so we’re working on keeping our confident ‘big trot’ in the white boards ready for Nationals next season 🎉 We had fantastic sessions with both the Equine and Human team, with new goals set!
A big thank you to the World Class Support Staff, Tamsin, my mum and my amazing home team for making sure that my horses stay in tip top condition 😊 Thank you so much to my wonderful sponsors and to everyone who supports Team Tash 🙏🏻
#twohearts #jointhejourney #fedontopspec#topspecshine #outstandingcondition#teamtopspec #safety365 #charlesowenhelmets#nafuk #nafsupportedrider #nafspotlight#teamnaf
British Dressage Le Mieux National Championships 2018
This post has been delayed more than I had anticipated but unfortunately I ended up back in hospital having surgery last week 🙈 I’m now back home, so fingers crossed for a quick recovery 🤞
I had a fabulous time at the Le Mieux Dressage National Championships 😊 I was very proud of how Cally behaved during a very windy wet day and as our test was at 7.58am, we were also warming up whilst everyone was doing the arena walk so it was rather hectic! I was very pleased to come 4th overall, and even more delighted that one judge had us in 1st place, giving us one of my best scores to date at a Championship of 73.24% 🎉
There were lovely parts to our test and we have some fab work to now build on 😍 Cally is feeling great and the next step is to be able to get what we get in training, in our test 💕
A massive thank you to my mum Yvonne Bennett for driving and grooming for me, Tamsin Addison, my coach, for warming me up and of course my amazing grandparents for once again looking after everything at home!!! I learnt so much and can’t wait to build on it 👍
Thank you so much to my amazing home team, sponsors, supporters and the World Class Programme. I couldn’t do it without you 🙏🏻 A big thank you to Equissage UK for sponsoring our class, the support is greatly appreciated ☺️
#fedontopspec #topspecshine #outstandingcondition #teamtopspec #createdwithoutcompromise #charlesowen #safety365 #charlesowenhelmets #nafuk #teamnaf #nafspotlight #twohearts #jointhejourney #equestrianteamgbr #uksport
Qualified for the British Dressage Le Mieux National Championships
I’m delighted to have qualified for the Le Mieux National Dressage Championships with Cally 🎉
We’re all settled in and ready for our test! It’s very wet and windy here at Stoneleigh but Cally was as good as gold when I rode her 😍
Fingers crossed Cally enjoys dancing in the arena 🤞🍀 Thank you to all my amazing sponsors, supporters and home team for all of their support, I couldn’t do it without you 🙏🏻
Both Cally and Landy have been selected for Bishop Burton CPEDI 3*
I had a brilliant week at Bishop Burton Equine Centre CPEDI 3* 🎉 I was delighted to have been selected to represent Great Britain with both Cally and Landy 🇬🇧
It still feels surreal to be competing them both together internationally 😍Positive scores throughout the week topping it off with Cally scoring 70%+ in the freestyle 🎶
I can’t put into words how happy I am that Cally is enjoying every moment being back competing internationally and Landy is growing in confidence all the time 😊 There is still so much more to come and I am so proud of them both 😘
None of this would be possible without my amazing team! A massive thank you to my mum Yvonne Bennett, dad, Tamsin, Amber Major Eventing, Michel at Assouline Dressage and the Equestrian Team GBRsupport team 🌟
Thank you so much to my amazing grandparents for looking after everything at home! As they usually have to stay and look after all the animals, it was lovely that they could come and watch my freestyle on the last day 💕
A big thank you to my incredible home team, sponsors and supporters, I am so lucky and very grateful for the continuous support 🙏🏻
#TeamTopSpecRider #fedontopspec #topspecshine #outstandingcondition #createdwithoutcompromise #charlesowenhelmets #safety365 #nafuk #TeamNAF #nafsupportedrider #nafspotlight
Representing Great Britain at Deauville CPEDI 3* in France
Landy was a star on his journey out to France 🇬🇧🌟🇫🇷 It was a very long day but he travelled as good as gold on his first trip abroad 😍 Thank you so much to Liusaidh who travelled out with him and to the rest of the travelling team from Equestrian Team GBR for making sure all the horses arrived safely in Deauville!!! After such a long journey, it was great to be able to get Landy out and led in hand so he could stretch his legs 😊 I was so proud of how well he settled in at his first international 🤞🍀
Landy flew through the trot up ✅ And all GB horses passed 🇬🇧 My handsome boy was as good as gold and looked absolutely stunning 😍 I’ve had 2 fantastic training days with Nina, being able to ride in the beautiful indoor arena where we were going to be competing and Landy was building in confidence all the time!!! 🤩
I’m so unbelievably proud of Landy 😍 We were first to go in the Team Test yesterday and Landy produced a lovely test 👍 I was very pleased to place 6th out of a very strong class of 11 with 65%+, even through we had a few little baby moments 😊 My main aim was to give Landy a positive experience in the arena and to give him confidence with it being his first international test 🇬🇧
WOW...Landy was amazing in the Individual Test 😍 He grew in confidence each day, and with such strong competition in the Grade II class, I was delighted to place 7th, increasing my score from the Team Test, to 68% 🇬🇧🎉🇫🇷 We produced a much more confident test, showing more of what we have been working on at home and in our training with Michel 👍 There is still so much more to come but our partnership is growing all the time and I am beyond proud of my handsome boy ❤️
Achieving 70% and placing 4th, was a fantastic end to the Deauville CPEDI 3* and Landy’s first international 🇬🇧🎉🇫🇷 I was delighted to get through to the Freestyle Test and be able to dance together to our new music 🎵 I absolutely loved my new music, which was put together the Julie Geraghty from Equivisions dressage to music design 👍 Even though I had practiced my freestyle at home, it was Landy’s first time dancing to music in a competition atmosphere so I was thrilled that was confident and loved it 😍
Landy was incredible at his first ever international and I can’t put into words how proud I am of my handsome boy and couldn’t have asked for a better start to our International career together ❤️
None of this would be possible without my amazing team around me! Thank you so much to my mum, Liusaidh for warming up Landy and being top groom, make sure Landy looked super smart, Nina for coaching me whilst in France, my coach, Michel at Assouline Dressage for all his support and the rest of the Equestrian Team GBR support team! I also couldn’t do it without my amazing grandparents, who looked after everything back home 🌟 A massive thank you to my incredible home team, sponsors and supporters 🙏🏻
#twohearts #jointhejourney #fedontopspec #topspecshine #createdwithoutcompromise #outstandingcondition #TeamTopSpecRider #charlesowenhelmets #safety365 #nafuk #TeamNAF #NAFSupportedRider #nafspotlight
Landy's been selected to represent GB at Deauville CPEDI 3* in France!!! 🇬🇧🌟🇫🇷
Extremely excited to say that Landy and I have been selected to represent Great Britain this week, in France, at Deauville CPEDI 3*!!! 🇬🇧🌟🇫🇷
I’m so proud of my handsome boy and how far we’ve already come already 😍 The journey so far has of course had it’s up and downs but it’s been well worth it and our partnership is growing all the time 😘 It feels amazing, if a bit surreal, to be taking Landy to his first ever international!!!
Landy is all settled in at Arrow ready for his first big trip, leaving for France tomorrow 🙈 A massive thank you to Liusaidh for looking after Landy and and travelling out with him, I really appreciate it 😊
A big thank you to my coach, Michel at Assouline Dressage, my mum, Liusaidh Owen, Amber Major Eventing and the rest of my fabulous home team, especially my grandparents for looking after everything back home whilst I’m away!!! Last but not least, a massive thank you to to my sponsors, I couldn’t do it without you 👍
#twohearts #jointhejourney #fedontopspec #createdwithoutcompromise #outstandingcondition #teamtopspec #topspecshine #wellbeings #charlesowen #donnabarkerequinetherapy #nafsupportedrider #teamnaf
Winter Championships 2018
Landy came 3rd at his first Winter National Championships with 70.22% and so close to Lee who won with 70.96% 🇬🇧🎉
I am unbelievably proud of my handsome boy, he was as good as gold throughout the whole competition and building in confidence all the time 🌟
I am so excited to see what the future holds🤞🍀
A big thank you to Equissage UK for sponsoring the Para Winter Championships!!!
Thank you as always, to my incredible mum for driving, grooming and supporting me, and to Amber Major Eventing for being top groom & support Rider 👍 Thank you so much to Michel at Assouline Dressage for all of your help and support at home as well as to Nina Venables for helping to me to warm up at the championships 😀
A massive thank you to my amazing home team for keeping my horses in tip top condition and of course my sponsors and everyone who supports me! I couldn’t do it without you and will be forever grateful for the support!
#twohearts #jointhejourney #winternationalchampionships #myhandsomehighlander
Squad Training
I’m so proud of Landy 😍 I had a fantastic few days at Equestrian Team GBR World Class Squad Training at Unicorn Equestrian Centre 🇬🇧
Landy was absolutely incredible and produced some of the best work he’s ever done!!! I had amazing training sessions with both Ferdi and Nina 😀
A massive thank you to my mum and Amber Major Eventing for all of their support and making sure everything ran smoothly 👍
Thank you to my wonderful Home Team for helping to keep my horses in tip top condition. A big thank you to the World Class support staff, both equine and human, it was great to talk through my plans for the 2018 season 😊
Thank you to my fantastic team of sponsors and supporters, I couldn’t do it without you!!!
#TeamTopSpec #fedontopspec #TopSpecShine #OutstandingCondition #jointhejourney #twohearts #teamgbr #uksport #charlesowen #safety365 #nafuk #TeamNAF #NAFSupportedRider #NAFSpotlight
Media Day 🎥
Had an absolutely fantastic day at the University of Warwick for the Equestrian Team GBR World Class Programme Media Day 🎥🇬🇧
We were very lucky to have former BBC News reader, Maxine Mawhinney, Natasha Baker MBE - Paralympic Dressage Rider, Lucy Higginson and Charlotte Males come and talk to us, sharing their words of wisdom and giving us lots of great advice 😀
In the afternoon, we were spilt into smaller groups for some interactive sessions, to help us in interviews by asking us questions on the spot and also looking at the various social media channels that we can use 👍
It was a very full and busy day, pushing us out of our comfort zones but also a huge amount of fun especially getting together with athletes from the other disciplines. A massive thank you to The National Lottery, UK Sport and to everyone who made the day possible!!! #thankyou
Happy New Year!!!
Happy New Year Everyone!!! 🎉🎊 I want to wish all my family, friends and everyone who has supported me, a healthy and happy 2018 😀
2017 has been a year full of highs and lows but I’m very grateful for everything I have and really looking forward to seeing what 2018 brings ✨
A massive thank you to everyone who has supported me this year and been a part of my journey, I’m very grateful and couldn’t do it without all the amazing support 😊
Merry Christmas!!!
Merry Christmas Everyone 🎄🎅🏻🎉 I’ve had an amazing day spent with my family and enjoying a relaxing day with the horses, dogs and cats, opening presents and eating lots of food ❤️
A big thank you to my sponsors, everyone who has supported me in any way and my fantastic home team, who are a big part of my journey 😊
Winter Qualifiers have started
I’m so proud of Landy ❤️ Today, we won both our tests, scoring 71+% in both the Team and Individual Test 🎉 Landy looked super handsome and was as good as gold!
My main aim was to give Landy a positive experience in the arena, as this was his first time competing at the level, and I definitively think this was accomplished 👍
I’m very excited as there’s so much more to come so the future is looking exciting 😊
Thank you so much to my mum for driving and grooming, Amber for making sure Landy was looking smart and for being pro photographer and to my amazing home team!
A massive thank you to all my fantastic sponsors and supporters, I’m so grateful!!!
#twohearts #jointhejourney #myboy #landy#teamtash #believe #grateful
Reunion with friends from New Zealand
It was fantastic to see Cheryl French and Amelia whilst they’re over from New Zealand, thank you so much for coming to stay 🇳🇿🇬🇧
Can’t believe it was 8 years ago that I was lucky enough to go on a school exchange to New Zealand for 4 months, I made the most fantastic memories over there and NZ will always have a special space in my heart ❤️
I was incredibly fortunate to be given the opportunity to train with Cheryl at Carnmore Equestrian on 3 of their gorgeous horses Granada, Taffy and Buddy 😊
I will always consider them as a huge part of my journey and will be forever grateful for their generosity 💕
#NewZealand #memories #thankyou #dressage #training #opportunities
Trip back to Scotland
I had a lovely day yesterday doing a talk at the Scottish Riding for the Disabled Association (RDA) Supra Conference for the RDA Grampian and Highland with Emma Douglas Para Equestrian 😊
Hopefully we have inspired people with our talk on ‘From The Pony Club to International Para Dressage Rider’ including our time at the Rio 2016 Paralympics as part of the Para Inspiration Programme!!! 🇬🇧🇧🇷
It was great to be back home in Scotland for a few days 💕 I wouldn’t be where I am today without my amazing sponsors and everyone who has supported me along my journey, I am so grateful, thank you! 👍
A big thank you to Vena, Nick, Debby and Amber for making sure that everything ran smoothly back home and for the fab photos 😍
#jointhejourney #paradressage #PIP2016 #talk #teamgbr #uksport #rda#paralympics #inspire #ridingforthedisabled
Winter's Upon Us
I'm so proud of my boy, Landy 😘 He looked super smart thanks to my wonderful sponsors, NAF, Magnificent Seven and Fab Four range ✨
Landy is looking in outstanding condition thanks to his favourite food from TopSpec 💚💛💚
A big thank you to Charles Owen for my beautiful new training hat, it is so comfy and looks super smart 😍
I absolutely love my new riding top from Premier Equine International Ltd, it's so comfy and goes perfectly with my coco breeches!!! Landy also looked smart in his Air-Teque brushing boots and Kevlar overreach boots 👍
Thank you so much to my mum and fantastic groom Amber for all of their support. I'm so grateful for the continuous support from all my sponsors 😀
The Rocky Road
I'm absolutely gutted to say that Cally and I have had to withdraw from the European Championships in Sweden 🇸🇪 Cally is my main priority and her welfare will always come first, so my focus is now on getting her sorted so that we can concentrate on the future including next year's World Championships!!!
It's a massive achievement to be selected to represent Great Britain as part of the European Team and I'm very grateful to the selectors for giving the opportunity 🇬🇧
I am so unbelievably proud of Cally, and how far we've come, she is a once in a lifetime horse 💕
A massive thank you to my mum, my grandparents, my grooms, Liusaidh and Amber, my home team and the World Class team for their help and support! I want to say a big thank you to my amazing sponsors and supporters, I'm incredibly grateful! Thank you to everyone else who has supported me. Thank you doesn't seem enough.
Thank you to Liz who was supposed to be my groom at the Europeans, for her help and support with Cally, it's really appreciated. A massive good luck and well done to Erin, who will now be the fourth member of the team 🍀
#europeanchampionships #twohearts #greatbritain #myprincess #myworld
European Team Squad Training
Had a fantastic time at Squad Training with the rest of the British team ready for the European Championships 🇬🇧
Cally was as good as gold and I can feel her getting stronger all the time, I'm so proud of her 😍
Thank you to World Class team for their support in making sure that Cally and I can perform to the best of our ability at the Europeans and to Equestrian Team GBR The National Lottery and UK Sport for this amazing opportunity 😊
I want to say a big thank you to my grandparents who always make sure that everything is kept going whilst I'm away 👍
A massive thank you to my fab home team, sponsors and everyone else who supports me on this incredible journey 😀
#europeanchampionships #twohearts#jointhejourney #fedontopspec #TopSpecShine #OutstandingCondition #wellbeingstherapies #TeamNAF #nafuk #NAFSupportedRider #NAFSpotlight #charlesowen #safety365 #teamcharlesowen
European Selection
I still can't believe I'm writing this but Cally and I have been selected to represent Great Britain 🇬🇧 at the European Championships in Gothenburg, Sweden 🇸🇪
There don't seem enough words to say how proud I am of Cally, she is truly my one in a million 💕 I'm so grateful for everything she has done for me, always putting a smile on my face 😍
It still feels very surreal and if someone had said to me at the start of this year that I would be going to the Europeans, I would never have believed them! This year has been one of the most difficult years of my life and after such a rocky start to the year, I was thrilled to just be back competing so being selected to represent GB at the Europeans feels surreal 😀
Thank you doesn't seem enough to say how grateful I am to my family for supporting me over the years, sticking by me through thick and thin, especially my grandparents for looking after everything at home allowing me to go away competing 😊 A massive thank you to my fantastic home team for keeping my horses in tip top condition 👍
I'm so incredibly grateful to my amazing sponsors, supporters and the National Lottery funded World Class Programme support staff who are always there whenever needed!!! Thank you so much to the selectors for believing in me!
I can't wait for August...🎉
#europeanchampionships #paradressage #teamgbr #jointhejourney#twohearts #believe #bestteam #thankyou #proud #myprincess #myworld
A Storming Victory at Hartpury CPEDI 3*
WOW!!! We head a fantastic start to the Hartpury CPEDI 3*! I was delighted to have been selected as part of the Nations Cup Team for GB 🇬🇧 Thank you to the selectors for giving me the opportunity 😊
Cally settled in straight away and flew through the trop up 👍 Cally was amazing in the Team Test, winning the class, with a mega 73%!!! 🎉
Cally was incredible in the Individual Championship test scoring an amazing 73% 🎉😊 Great Britain also won the Nations Cup, I was very proud to be part of the team 🇬🇧
Hartpury CPEDI 3* ended on a high dancing to our new freestyle, winning on a massive score of 77.68% 🇬🇧 Cally absolutely loves dancing to music and I had so much fun riding to it 🎶
A massive thank you to Julie Geraghty at Equivisions dressage to music design for sorting my new music out so that the new compulsory movements could be added, I really appreciated it 😀
I am so proud of Cally, who was as good as gold all week and gaining a triple win 🎉 There don't seem to be enough words to say how proud I am of Cally, she has been incredible and tried her very best for me 💕
A massive thank you to my fantastic home team, sponsors, the World Class Programme and to everyone else who supports me 😃
#thankyou #believeinyourself #jointhejourney #twohearts #TeamTopSpec#TopSpecShine #fedontopspec #OutstandingCondition#wellbeingstherapies #NAFSupportedRider #nafuk #TeamNAF#premierequine #teamcharlesowen #safety365 #horsesofinstagram#paradressage #dressage