Had a fantastic time at Squad Training with the rest of the British team ready for the European Championships 🇬🇧
Cally was as good as gold and I can feel her getting stronger all the time, I'm so proud of her 😍
Thank you to World Class team for their support in making sure that Cally and I can perform to the best of our ability at the Europeans and to Equestrian Team GBR The National Lottery and UK Sport for this amazing opportunity 😊
I want to say a big thank you to my grandparents who always make sure that everything is kept going whilst I'm away 👍
A massive thank you to my fab home team, sponsors and everyone else who supports me on this incredible journey 😀
#europeanchampionships #twohearts#jointhejourney #fedontopspec #TopSpecShine #OutstandingCondition #wellbeingstherapies #TeamNAF #nafuk #NAFSupportedRider #NAFSpotlight #charlesowen #safety365 #teamcharlesowen